I have a two bedroom apt. My brother has recently moved into my second bedroom. He has mail sent here now. Recently my apt. manager has sent me a letter inquiring who (my brothers name) is and why he is receiving mail in my mail box. It further states to remind me that I am the only one who can receive mail here. I did not have my brother sign into the lease and so I am sure that she is right in saying that I am the only one that can receive mail. But I wonder how she came to know that he was receiving mail in my box. There are only two things I can think of, either she looked in my mail box or she was told so by the mail man. Now a neighbor said her and the mail man were friends so it is possible. Given this, does she have even have the right to ask me this if the two ways I stated above are illegal?
That's shady, but not illegal, until she actually starts opening his mail and reading it.
only if the mail wasn't opened i think
Have your brother get on the lease, or get a P.O.Box. The manager is doing his job. The envelope is not personal (if it were the postman couldn't look at the address to deliver it), just the contents.
no thats illegal for either way!! however your brother also isnt supposed to be there so you are both in the wrong..
It depends...she din't guilty of anything until she tampers with your mail. Mearly looking in your mailbox is not enough to be criminal....and she has a legitimate reason if she knows there is someone who should not be on her premisis there....namely your bother who is not on the lease. The apartment manager has a duty to protect her tenants and when a person lives there without being on the lease she did not have the chance to do a background check and ensure it was safe for the person to be there...possibly opening her up to liability.
It's a federal crime.
I don't think it's legal.
The mail man's job is to deliver mail, when it's in his possession it's his duty to protect it. So if someone grabs a letter the mail man is holding it would be stealing. And the moment the mail man puts the mail into the mail box it's in your possession, so nobody else is allowed to look at it's contents.
Furthermore, the mail man basically isn't allowed to talk about his business since it's secret.
But on the other hand, you can't really prove anything, so you can't do much about it when the mail man just tells what kind of name is on the mail to your address.
So the best solution would probably be to either add your brother as official roommate or have his mail delivered somewhere else.
If the mail man is discussing your mail, or anyone else's in the building, with the Building Manager, he can be fired.
If she has been using her keys to access your box (i.e.: "Snooping"), she is guilty of of a Federal Offence, and can be put away for hard time.
There is an alternate possibility...a piece of your brother's mail may have found it's way into someone else's box, or even the Manager's (if she lives in the building).
Check your lease and speak with a lawyer. She may just be being a bossy annoyance. However, receiving someone else's mail can be "risky" from a legal stand point. You could be investigated for Identity Theft, even though you are perfectly innocent. Besides, I have never heard of a jurisdiction where your land lord can tell you distressed family members can't live with you. As for the mail, talk to your brother to have him rent a PO box in a nearby drugstore or post office.
You will probably want to ask the lady how she knew that his mail was coming to your address. If she is stupid enough to admit to checking your box, you can file a complaint with the owner/Management Company she "works for" and tell her that she could face serious criminal charges for it.
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