Saturday, October 24, 2009

Is it legal for a creditor to call you everyday?

They should call you 5 times a day. PAY YOUR BILLS!
Yes, at least until you pay off your debt. Pay your debt the phone calls will disappear. If you have no meney, get rid of the Internet for one, number two, you aren't making any money sitting in front of the computer.
yes time tell them you are filing a harrassment complaint and will sue them.
*no it is called harassment.make an arrangement to pay them and providing you stick to it they have no need to call you again.if they persist threaten them with legal action.good luck.
Not necessarily. Laws vary from place to place, but usually even creditors trying to collect a legitimate debt can be commit telephone harassment.

A web search with the words debt collector telephone harassment and your state should give you some more details.

That's the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Everything you need to know about what they can and cannot do is listed there.

You can send the creditor a cease and desist letter (a.k.a. C%26D). The letter should say something to the affect that you no longer wish to be contacted about the debt in writing or by phone. By law, they must stop.

You should look into free credit counseling services (google it) which are offered nationwide. Also, you can settle many bills with a collection agency for pennies on the dollar.

Running away and refusing to discuss it with them will only make make them angry and unwilling to make deals. They don't *have* to accept anything less than the full amount.

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