Saturday, October 31, 2009

Is it legal for me to move out at age 17 in Vermont without my parents' consent?

My parents give me everything i ever wanted... except they won't let me get a job. I get grounded just because they feel like they can. I come home do everything they ask me to and then they yell at me for things that i did wrong even if its done right there is always something that i have done wrong. I have talked to many of my friends and their parents about moving away from my house and maybe into theirs. most of their parents think that is a good idea for me to move away from my current living environment. I never am happy. i am always depressed i have depression and being home just makes it worse. i am not allowed to go to the shrink that was helping me because my mom did not like the way she did things... but i was happier when i saw her... the one i go to now i don't like because she doesn't do anything... i am always happy whenever i am not at my house.. even if i am alone i am smiling. My little brother also agrees but he gets to do whatever he wants so he doesn't care
I left home at 16 (as soon as I graduated from high school), but my parents didn't care. Your parents care about you - you should spend your time studying instead of working, you'll have a lifetime to do that, friend. What I wouldn't have given to have had parents such as yours.

It is all up to your parents. You can become legally emancipated if you want to go that route, however. You will be responsible for yourself.
when you turn 17 you are considered a leagal adult if you want to get married your parents have to sign but other than that your a FREE bird
Other poster is very very wrong. You are legally (and in every state) a minor until you turn 18 OR get emancipated. If you leave, you will be considered a runaway.
Your new shrink, you may not like her, but she's your biggest ally right now. Talk to her about your concerns, even that you don't think she is doing anything. It's her job to help you, and that isn't always just what happens during the sessions.
However, I don't think you're telling us everything. Are you?
talk to a school or community counsellor- even just to let them know what's going on. Or talk to your medical doctor - ask if he can spoeak to you confidentially. Your friend's parents sound simpathetic, maybe they have some ideas or options for you to explore.It sounds like you have job prospects and are employable /have skills - talk to those potential emplyers about your situation, maybe they can help, give you ideas. call up your old shrink and ask if she'll see you informally for free once, or see if she 'll refer you to a social worker or some one you could talk to you don't have to pay.... I really don't think parents can keep those over 16 , at least. from getting a job.They should be happy you want to work! By the way it's spring- and in Vermont that 's a reason to smile.
well I know in Canada once you're 14 you are legally aloud to move out, in the United States I'm not quite sure but I believe it's 16. If you really are having problems with your parents you should really talk to your doctor about talking all together about the issue. It should be a meeting where you can say what you need to say without any interruptions or any worries about your parents. It seems like your parents really need to hear why you want to move out and what not. I know somewhat of the feeling, I received a job a few days ago and my mom is mad over the whole deal of me making money and becoming more independent without her. Everytime I talk about moving out (i'm 18 years old going on 19 soon kind of old enough to make my own decisions) we have these huge fights which leads to me becoming depressed. I'm not clinically depressed as of yet but sometimes I feel like i am. So I know the feeling. I hope everything works out for the best for you.
sounds like your parents are kinda nuts. until you are 18 i dont think you can live at a friends house without there parents being charged with harboring a runaway.

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