Saturday, October 31, 2009

Is it legal for my wife of age 20 to...?

consume alchohol in our home on our property, I am 31 and I live in Missouri, who knows this state law
Whatever you do behind doors, is your own business. Have fun!!!!
Beyond the cradle robbing thing -- no -- technically she is not of legal drinking age. I wouldn't worry too much about it though. It's not like the police are going to break down your door to check her ID
It is not legal, and you could be arrested for giving alchohol to someone under legal age. Would you be caught? Probably not, as long as she doesn't drive or anything, but it is illegal.
If the alcohol age in Missouri is 21, then consuming it ANYWHERE is technically illegal.
No you are allowed to give family members under the age of 21 alcohol as long as they do not leave the house. You're thinking of parties or something.
Don't know about Missouri but in other states, it is illegal to serve alcohol to a minor regardless of being on private property. Of course, if you keep your mouth shut and don't let her leave the property for a couple of days after consuming alcohol (because it doesn't totally wash out for a couple of days and any amount of alcohol in the system of a minor is illegal) you might be okay. You could be in big trouble because you would be contributing to the delinquency of a minor and you are serving alcohol to a minor. Stupid law! A little wine with dinner never hurt anyone. If the minor is under the protection of the parents, then why shouldn't the minor be allowed to have a drink? Why shouldn't 18 year olds be allowed to consume liquor? They are of legal age for just about everything else and if they can go to Iraq and kill people, then they are certainlly capable of understanding the law and capable of making a conscious decision about whether they want to drink or not. Change the law! But until the law is changed (and I do think it is a stupid law) we still have to obey it.
Check up state law for missouri. In texas children are allowed to consume alcohol with family in their residence. I am sure you will find something similiar, do not pay to much attention to many of these answers. Despite people thinking they know federal and/ or state law, I have found they don't really know it.

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